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Face Attributes

These values are defined in SDKRoot/code/externalAPI/i_pathengine.h.

When using the Microsoft CLR interface (for C Sharp or Visual Basic), equivalent values can be found in PathEngine.Constants, without the 'PE_' prefix (e.g. PathEngine.Constants.FaceAttribute_SurfaceType).

When using the JNI interface (e.g. for Java), equivalent values can be found in com.pathengine.Constants, without the 'PE_' prefix (e.g. com.pathengine.FaceAttribute_SurfaceType).

Refer to Setting Face Attributes for information about adding face attributes to a ground mesh.


An application specific value that may be used to define the type of surface at a given point on the ground.
So, for example, the application could define values to correspond with wood, stone, grass, dirt, and so on.
The attribute value is passed through during content processing, stored with the ground mesh, and can later be queried with iMesh::getSurfaceType().

This surface type attribute can be used to set up regions with traversal cost, as described in Representing Regions with Cost to Traverse.

PE_FaceAttribute_SectionID This attribute is used to split ground meshes into sections.
The attribute value is passed through during content processing, stored with the ground mesh, and can later be queried with iMesh::getSectionID().
Section IDs can be used to setup callback functions for terrain areas. (Refer to Working with Terrain for more details about the terrain callback functionality.)
-1 is used to indicate that the section ID is not defined for a face.

This attribute can be used to store arbitrary application defined values relating to a piece of ground.
The attribute value is passed through during content processing, stored with the ground mesh, and can later be queried with iMesh::getSectionID().

PE_FaceAttribute_MarksPortal (2D content processing only)
This attribute is used to define 'portals' for the automatic building connection functionality.
(Refer to Building Entrance Connections for details.)
Faces that are being used as portal markers should have this attribute set to 1. Other faces should have this attribute set to either -1 or 0.
PE_FaceAttribute_MarksTerrainPortal (2D content processing only)
This attribute is used to define 'terrain portals' for the automatic building connection functionality.
(Refer to Building Entrance Connections for details.)
Faces that are being used as terrain portal markers should have this attribute set to 1. Other faces should have this attribute set to either -1 or 0.
PE_FaceAttribute_MarksExternalShape (2D content processing only)
This attribute is used to define 'building external shapes' for the automatic building connection functionality.
(Refer to Building Entrance Connections for details.)
Faces on building external shapes should have this attribute set to 1. Other faces should have this attribute set to either -1 or 0.
PE_FaceAttribute_MarksConnectingEdge (2D content processing only)
This attribute is used to define connecting edges for the automatic edge connection functionality.
(Refer to Matching Edge Connections for details.)
Faces that are being used as connecting edge markers should have this attribute set to 1. Other faces should have this attribute set to either -1 or 0.
PE_FaceAttribute_CP3D_ExcludeFromGroundResult (3D content processing only)
Geometry with this attribute set to 1 is included in the 3D combination stage of the 3D process, but excluded from the ground result.
So this geometry can block movement by reducing headroom below agent height, but will never in itself be considered as walkable ground.
(A concrete example could be something like a building roof, if pathfinding agents are never intended to walk on the roof.)
PE_FaceAttribute_CP3D_ExcludeFromSteepSlopeFilter (3D content processing only)
Geometry with this attribute set to 1 is effectively exempted from filtering by the maxSlope processing parameter (or the 'maxSlopeOnTerrain' processing option).

Documentation for PathEngine release 6.04 - Copyright © 2002-2024 PathEnginenext: Key Strings