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Modifying the scene

In Edit mode, it's possible to cycle through the objects in the scene and modify the position of the currently selected object.
While the interface is not the most intuitive, it does nevertheless give you a very quick way to play around with the 3D content processing, and see how different configurations of geometry are handled.

Use the 'page up' and 'page down' keys to cycle forwards and backwards through the objects in the scene.
You can use the 'home' key to centre the camera on the currently selected object (and the 'end' key to centre on the entire scene).

You can modify an object's position by holding certain combinations of keys and mouse buttons, and then moving the mouse, as follows:

Hold down
Effect of mouse movement
Shift key + left mouse button Move the object horizontally
(X mouse movement modifies object world X, Y mouse movement modifies object world Y)
Shift key + middle mouse button Move the object vertically
(Y mouse movement modifies object world Z)
Shift key + left mouse button + middle mouse button Rotate the object around the Z axis
(X mouse movement affects rotation)
Shift key + right mouse button Scale the object
(Y mouse movement affects scale)

Because horizontal movement is relative to world X and Y it's useful to centre the camera on the selected object before performing horizontal movement.


The scene is currently clipped against a hard coded fixed region based on the initial object placement.
When building from source code this hard coded clip region can be modified in cScene::buildGround(), at the bottom of Scene.cpp.

Saving the scene

Press 'S', in edit mode, to save the current state of the demo scene. (This saves the object placement information to 'SDKRoot\resource\placement3D\demoPlacement.txt' - next time the demo is run it will start in this state.)

The original state of the scene can be found in 'SDKRoot\resource\placement3D\backup_demoPlacement.txt', copying this over the current placement file restores the demo to standard object placement.


Each time you switch from Edit to Test mode, the current state of the scene is automatically saved out to disk, also, to 'SDKRoot\resource\placement3D\lastProcessed.txt'.

Documentation for PathEngine release 6.04 - Copyright © 2002-2024 PathEnginenext: Building the source code